parting out 74/75 Dart Swinger

Parting out this 75 swinger and also have a lot of parts from a 74 swinger.
located near Minneapolis, MN
$50 +ship - Chrome window trim windshield
$50 +ship - chrome window trim back
$100 each +ship - doors (glass included)
Make offer - fenders
$75 each +ship - hood or trunk lid
$100 a set +ship - two sets of rear seats (white and tan)
lots of misc interior pieces, let me know what you need. (visors, door panels, kick panels etc) all in tan.
$50 +ship - gas tank
$10 +ship - gas tank tubes
$50 a set +ship - two set of tail lights
$25 +ship, 7 1/4" rear end, complete
$100 set+ship - v8 torsion bars

will consider all offers