Long term planning, father/daughter first car build

I would really appreciate any idea & every scrap of input my family here on FABO has on picking/setup/building my daughter's first car.

She is just a toddler now. She loves cars & I want a focus that we can bond over.
She could turn her interests to other things, but eventually she will want to drive.

My thought process is that besides a rev limiter & the best brakes/tires I can afford, if she builds the car for several years, she will be more careful in how she drives & appreciate earning her real big taste in freedom vice letting some boy drive her car.

I will let her pick something down the road (within Mopar if I can help it-most likely Duster/Demon) & move forward from there. I can look for some parts now though as prices & parts availability change.

225? 318? Transmission? Rear gears? Roll cage?

Any ideas, any input is greatly appreciated, so thank you.