reworking a fully restored car

Yeah this guys a trust fund baby with literally piles of Mopars stashed all over that him and his brothers collected over the years , He was a scammer when they had their 4 transmission shops and is a scammer today now that he is retired , he uses shills to lure out of towners like me and is the TTi dealer as well as the Hughes dealer for this area , maybe all of Canada for TTi I've heard so he finds suckers like me in spite of all the word spreading I've been doing the past 6 years .

PS Can't sue it was all cash over a 2 year period and in the end he shredded my invoice's instead of giving them to me , the only one I got was the last one which he actually ended up owing me money that he squared with a pair of exhaust tips then told me my other invoices were shredded from the binder they had been in during the work .