reworking a fully restored car

I was working a lot of hours during the biggest construction boom in my lifetime , the Shill that was supposed to be my buddy was working out there and supposed to be minding it for me , turns out he was just a scammer making a slice of the scam , still collects welfare and works cash under the table for the guy but they are smart enough to dodge the government , he doesn't work at the shop now he works on some of the guys many real estate holdings instead . I would go out in the evening or weekend once a month or so to square up on the cash but again they are very good at covering stuff up and making it look right , heck it probably would have been a lot quicker , cheaper and easier to do it right than all the time they spent doing it wrong

Man that sucks. Perhaps you mentioned it already, but how did you choose this guy to do the restoration? It sucks that he did a crappy job but you gave him the opportunity to do a crappy job by not stopping by on a regular basis. Only person who cares/looks out for you is you or someone in your immediate family. All the guys I know who have had custom homes built for them know they need to stop by almost on a daily basis to make sure stuff is done right and going according to plan to best mitigate risk of things going wrong.