reworking a fully restored car

Look guys this isn't a pity party , believe me I have cost this aclown a ton of money showing people his workmanship , I still get calls and emails asking if I would recommend him most listen when I tell them NFW some don't and they end up telling me they wished they had afterwards .I have a great Mopar mechanic who is also a FABO guy working with me on this and we will get it fixed right along with the rest of the remaining things he screwed up that I haven't already corrected , this thread is documentation of his work so when I openly call him a scammer and a thief like I did on another Forum there is proof of what i am saying , In this country you can only sue for Liable and Slander if the statements made about you are false which as everyone can see my statements are not .

PS to those that think a customer is to blame even partially for being ripped off well thats the kind of BS that keeps scammers in business .

I wasn't trying to throw any pity your way. More like an olive branch. My apologies. Just forget I ever did it.