Justin Figgatt...Actual Investigation is Underway by Police...Need Victims Info

hows bout you share it here...for those of us who are too cool to be part of fakebook

Too cool?!?! Too funny!! {I gotta be honest as always and say it's brought in a lot more business lately than FABO has ... ahem lol ;-)}

Here you go Mr. Too Cool For FaceBook School :-D. Share it everywhere!!

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If the name Justin Figgatt or aliases Mike440 / ply30 / 1968roadrunner rings a bell with you, READ THIS and take action.

I have no dog in this fight, but lots of my friends and customers do. I'm sharing this in support of their efforts, and to help spread the word. The automotive hobby does not need people like him. If you're one of this guy's victims regardless of whether he scammed you years ago, last month or yesterday, I urge you to get with the investigator and help prosecute this sorry piece of flesh.


Feel free to share this on every Mopar forum, message board, FaceBook page, etc., with my blessing. Guys like this hurt us all and are destroying our beloved hobby one failed deal at a time. Don't let him keep getting away with it.
