Bitter taste of defeat! So much coolant in the oil pan.

Thank you everyone for your suggestions - I know it is impossible for anyone to diagnose this thing from a distance but I really appreciate the help. A compression test is something I can do but I'd like to try to clean out the milkshake somehow before turning the engine over. Don't know about pressurizing the cylinder but will look into it and see if my compression tester can be modified.

Any way to flush out the block without running the engine?

Please tell me if you think this is a terrible idea:
What if I temporarily plugged the timing cover bolt holes and the water holes on the front of the block (could use bolts and rags)? I could plug the intake manifold's secondary (small) hose as well. Then I could squirt water into the return hose with no thermostat and see if it leaks out through the oil pan drain. It seems to me that if nothing comes out, then the engine/heads/intake manifold are not the problem and I could rest assured that I botched the timing cover/water pump part.

If you have a compression tester the hose has a valve stem in it like a tire.... easy peasy..... I suggested this because it should eliminate this variable and it a very easy procedure...