Wish you had your high school car back?

Nope. 1986 D150 regular cab, 318/904 on propane. Dog compression made worse by an open 2.76 8-1/4 rear set. Did have cool dual exhaust with glaspacks and boom pipes though. Sounded great under the tunnels. Was the first of about 4 of them I have owned.

I beat that thing like a rented mule. Neutral drops. Frog hops. Used to keep it in first wind it up and go for a corner and throw the back end out as hard as I could. Wore one set of tires right to the belts. Snapped the shaft that runs through the case in the rear end more than once. Ex finally killed the truck when she threw it in park in the middle of a burnout, blew all the cooler lines off and puked everywhere. But a tranny swap and she was back on the road again. That thing more than once carried 6 friends and me home from the bar safely. But do I miss it? Naw. There's a ton of them out there if I wanna relive it anyways, 500 bucks can get you a running D150 around here.