Slant 6 Turbo 68Dart Project
Well, today I got the engine off its cradle and onto a new stand, got the transmission off of course, bent the **** out of the tin cover plate... but ya know... I'll fix that or something.
So far the only surprise is once the intake was off there was water in the ports. I'm hoping it was just from the engine laying on its side in a truck for a few weeks. It just had a rag in the carb hole, laying on its side. All the freeze plugs look brand new, and the one in the main side of the engine looks brand new as well. I'm removing the head soon, and will see what we got here.
I also did a fit check of my header flange, and already saw that one leg needed to be changed, so I broke it off its tacks, and I will rotate it, then keep building - it was going to hit the water pump casting.
I may try and see if I can get a hold of 6 individual "S" bends instead of going for 12 x 90s.
I also got my ARP studs, new fuel block off, lokar cable, and some welding gussets in the mail today from Summit.