So much for the Modman....

Is anybody surprised a 1405 in the middle of a fabbed intake doesnt work? Would you install a Geo Metro carb on your 408 stroker? 1405's are a mid performance street carb that require a strong vac signal. Didnt all the manifolds and carbs cost as much as a harness and pcm to make it work correctly with FI? Dont get it.

So when Indy reviewed the Modman in hot rod magazine, and did back to back tests with a single AFB, then duals, .then a six pack....and they totally forgot to mention its not a good idea to run an AFB/AVS on their intake even though they did it....

...were they hiding something?

Sometimes in life you assume common decency and honesty will prevail but I got sucked in by their marketing spiel...but figured Id made my bed so I had to lie in it.

Just one thing.....wondering where you were with all this hindsight when I posted 4 years ago asking about which intake to buy......:finga: