So much for the Modman....

Funny, and I'm not trying to be critical just a different perspective. I never understood why someone would take the time, effort, and money to install a modern engine in a classic car and then turn around and try to make it look old. I find it funny that people spend money to remove Coil on Plugs (what could be more efficient?) and replace it with a bunch of wires. But in the final analysis that is what makes the hobby great, a bunch of guys with their own vision trying to bring it to life.

My goal for my car is to make it look as much like a sleeper as possible. There will be telltale clues as to the cars true purpose, like a mini tub with 12" of meat under the rear wheels. Four wheel disc brakes that will be seen though the slots in the steel wheels. But from the outside, from the stock flat hood, to the factory sterring wheel and factory dash and seats, the car should look like a nicely done LA motored car, nice but nothing to really write home about. Until you lift the hood. Than 500 HP of Hemi is staring at you in the face.


Joe Dokes
The second part answered the first in my mind. Some people want to carry the sleeper aspect beyond the exterior, some want the engine to look like it matches the rest of the car. A forward throttle body and COP don't exactly match the car so well.

My buddy's old car- the cage gives it away. Stock GTX that you couldn't tell's been 9s much less ran in the last decade and a half.