Another Mopar Off My Bucket List - Barracuda Fastback

I love the sign!

That intake must weigh a ton!

When I brought the sign home I thought Teresa was going to be thrilled with it. Instead of unloading a bunch of car parts she'd see that I had more than 30 weight oil running through my veins. I asked her how much she thought I paid for it expecting her to name some extravagant price. She made a frowny face and said she hoped I didn't give more than 10 bucks for it. Sheesh!

I've heard that the cast iron six pack manifolds were a lot less desirable because of the availability of the lighter aluminum ones. The big question about this one is whether or not it's some rare oddball because of that casting date. I wonder if Chrysler made a few that Edelbrock used as a template for their aluminum ones back then.