X pipe H pipe or side by side

here's another analogy...
pull in tight behind a tractor trailer on your favourite highway and he'll
actually pull you along to some extent.Now try to get in when they are
bumper to bumper...good luck!
These exhaust systems must be "tuned" and arbitrarily welding a pipe in
between somewhere?

But they aren't bumper to bumper. That's what we are all saying. There isn't a "constant" flow. It's pulses. I don't know how much easier I can state that. You don't think the cylinders constantly produce exhaust do you?

Arbitrarily welding a pipe in? It's not arbitrary. That's like saying "oh the cam lobes are arbitrary". They aren't. It's known what they do when they are put in a certain spot in a certain way. None of this is arbitrary. It's proven fact through much testing and work over decades by dozens of different race teams/aftermarket exhaust companies/professional engine builders/backyard mechanics/etc. I can understand questioning things and wanting an explanation of how they work. But when you refuse to listen to the explanation given, or don't understand it, then I don't know how to help you.