HEI conversion problem - any input?

Did you ground the body of the HEI module, i.e. at the mounting screws, and I don't mean just a sheet-metal screw into the painted body of the car? Did you twist the pickup wires from distributor to HEI module?

Post a photo. One guy asked a similar "HEI don't work" question here and when he finally offered a photo it was of gomered wires all over the place w/ alligator clips and such as his "production" setup. If you don't twist the pickup wires, they can pickup from the spark wires and thus "self-excite". Also, view the plug wires in the dark to see if sparks are jumping to ground. Finally, not all dbl-bullet connectors are correct. I bought 2 Mopar pickups a few years ago and one had the wrong connector so that the male tips didn't firmly connect. It was a standard appliance type connector that the Chinese factory must have thought was correct.