So bummed...Power Steering is gushing fluid

If it is the gear box that is leaking, you might also check on the Borgeson gear box. Especially if you are looking for corner carving. IIRC it was only about $100 more than one from Firm Feel.

I would love to get that box, but it's out of my budget.

See... If it's 100 more than Firm Feel, then that's 200 more than Steer and Gear. Also there's a bunch of expensive ancillary pieces that I'll need to go with it such as the 120 dollar coupler, and hoses and stuff. Not to mention shipping.

So basically if I buy that, that means I can't afford half the parts for my front end rebuild.

Don't drive yourself crazy until you see what's leaking. It could be as simple as a return hose. I doubt you damaged anything putting the column back in. If its the pump not a big deal and most external seals on the box are easily replaced. Check out what's happening and repost!

Yeah...I know more this weekend when I'm able to jack it up and have more daylight.

When refilling a pump after working on things the fluid get's aerated from the pump circulating air bubbles.
The pump compresses the air in the fluid, then when you shut the engine off the fluid/air expands and blows fluid out.

This is why I recommend people only put in just enough to cover the pump until it has been started and shut off a couple of times.

In other words keep the level of the fluid low until it gets done circulating the air out.

I'll literally bet 5 bucks on this being the cause, or you would have seen fluid leaking while it was running. :D

I didn't have to refill anything (I mean, it had been running and driving previously), but maybe what you're saying could have occurred. I'm hoping that's the case. I'll know more on Saturday.

I'm just anxious because I want to tear into this thing already.