70 Duster power window install

Ok guys I could not get pics any bigger, worked on it last night for a few hours and no luck, F####n computers, so if you need bigger ones PM me and I will email them to you. Once I get to measurement pages they may be a little small to see.

Pic, 1 Here is a pic of the regulators after I cut the track arms off of them. The top one is out of a 87 Dodge Truck, the bottom is from a 88 Dodge truck. The top 87 has a small 1/4" center hole for the motor to fit into where the bottom has a 1" or so hole.
Pic,2,3 The big motor is the 87 and down motor, these motors in my opinion are not as good as the newer smaller motor. I have 4 of the big ones and after switching parts around managed to make 1 work. I used it to do my layout as I did not have smaller ones yet. I was going to buy new motors till a friend gave me some he saved out of an 88. I had no idea that they had smaller ones, when I got them home I tested them and they work perfect. So I went with the 88 and up ones. If you have older regulators you can use a holesaw to drill out center and use the small motors, but if you have newer big hole regulator I would not try and put the big motor on it as there is no place for 1/4" gear tip to ride and I`m pretty sure the plastic gears inside won`t last long.
Pic, 4 These are my finished regs and motors. The bottom left is 88 ram tr. and the right is out of 80 Cordoba with hole drilled in Pic,5.
Will continue tomorrow night.