Small roots blower for smallblock

Want to sell the bottom 6 rib pulley? Mine has a couple teeth knocked out of it. Whatever this thing does, its going to do. It is strictly a fun driver. Though I will def. take it to the track and see what she will do.

Question for everybody running similar combo's, when you type your combination into this calculator: Do you get crazy boost numbers like it is purposing mine will make? is it just wrong?
I don't know the boost numbers on mine but there's definitely boost an it hauls a!!. I haven't switched to the ten rib but haven't noticed any slippage. And I just installed the 2.85 top pulley on mine with the lower 6 inch pulley. I gotta tell you these things are a blast. I just installed 4:10 s an can't wait till I get the driveline cut to length an try it again with the 4:10s! Have fun.