Another Mopar Off My Bucket List - Barracuda Fastback

Things didn't look too rosy when I got up this morning. I didn't mind having only a few hours sleep because I suffer from insomnia anyway.

I'd expected the guys at Smith Brothers would take the info I'd gathered and I'd have the pushrods ordered within a few minutes. It didn't bum me out when they asked that I get a new measurement with a calipers but it meant a delay. The one I have only goes up to 6" so I'd have to make a trip up town to borrow a bigger one.

Teresa had already left and I was alone. I grabbed the test pushrod and hopped into the F150. When I hit the key the motor barely cranked and it wouldn't start. I was surprised because I hadn't had any problem with it before and I knew the battery terminals were clean. Bummer. Oh well. I guess it wouldn't take long to throw the battery booster on it.

I pulled the hood release and nothing happened. This was starting to get annoying. I hopped out of the truck and gave the hood a quick pop down hoping the latch would release. NOPE! CRAP! SONUVAB#@*!

I spent the next half hour trying to push it down and pull it up. Nothing.

I went inside and Googled F150 hood latch problems and found a video that showed a guy using a long straight screwdriver to release his hood. I went back outside and tried to mimic what I'd seen on YouTube but my grill was a different design and I couldn't access the spot I needed to pry. I spent an hour trying every which way I could think of. I crawled under the truck and tried reaching up from beneath. It was still cold out and my patience was wearing thin.

I went back inside and tried to study images of latches on the net but it didn't help. Eventually I gave up and decided to give Teresa a call to see when she was coming home.

An hour later she was back along with a pack of ankle biters. I took the Sebring up town and was eventually able to find a shop with a large enough set of calipers.

Sometimes I have to wonder if I'm cursed.