Ram 98729 10.00 clutch

TMM, since McLeod hasnt got back to me I decided to go with the ram 98729 clutch. I did call brewers & he said basically if you put to much power to it it wont hold. Well hell I know that! Didnt really give a power level that it was rated for. The ram disc is iron on the flywheel side & organic on p.p. side. The disc has 8 coil springs in the disc hub that are coated in polyurethane to take twice the shock ( what they say) & scalloped p.p. that has 30% more clamp force. So id think that should do it I hope!

The iron will be very hard on your flywheel & is not a good street choice if that's what you intend. RAM is also on my personal blacklist as they sold me a bum hemi pressure plate years ago but maybe it was just a fluke. I have a long memory when I get either very good or bad part. Like you I really wanted to keep the 9.5 bell & parts for my car but would highly recommend you go to the 10.5 for many reasons. This is after using a couple 9.5 setups including iron. The scalloped 10 PP may be OK for a taxi but I would not use it for an HP application if you value your feet, way too wimpy. Know it's hard to suck it up when you bought the stuff & means lots more $ but the 10.5 is the way to go, fits well & huge selection of discs/ PP's to choose from.