Another Mopar Off My Bucket List - Barracuda Fastback

In Europe, Good Friday is the reddest of red letter days. Today, Easter, is probably second but perhaps Christmas day is a tad more red. Everything is closed in the more Christian countries like Germany and Spain while you can do most of your shopping here in the blasphemous North. No mail or official business, though.

But you're hoping to get a package in the mail today?

Maybe you Yanks are not as religious as I thought.

Things have changed a lot since I was young. I can't speak for the rest of the country but years ago there were very few businesses that would be open on a Sunday or any Christian Holy day in Nebraska. Farmers didn't work the fields on Sundays either. It was considered taboo to spend those times on anything that related to making money. Now it's not uncommon to have cities ban the public display of the 10 Commandments and prayers in schools. Some major stores refuse to refer to Christmas as Christmas because we're told that it is discriminatory towards non-Christians. Instead they refer to that time of year as 'the holidays'.

The current president of the United States seems to like to bash Christian history whenever he gets a chance while espousing how great Muslims are. There has been a downward spiral away from Christianity here for almost 50 years.

Although there still are millions that hold onto their beliefs, the country has been trying to remove references to anything that might indicate we're a Christian nation. The words 'under God' are being removed from the pledge of allegiance. There is a movement to have the words 'In God We Trust' removed from our currency.