Interesting VIN number on 68 Barracuda

just for the record:

1. my goal of bringing this car to the FABO community's attention was to perhaps educate younger car enthusiasts about the issue of VIN numbers when it comes to cars and "state authorities."

2. i also wanted to discuss how it is possible to change a VIN number on a 67-69 Barracuda.

3. as to the car dealership, i have no desire to get them into trouble or "to drop a dime on them" (you "kids" out there won't know what that phrase means but ask someone over 60 - it has to do with prehistoric "pay phones" that used to take "dimes" to make them work.)

4. finally, i wanted all FABO members to just be careful when they buy an old mopar that they will fall in love with. the last thing that anyone would want to happen would be to buy a car, spend hundreds of hours of time and lots of money restoring it - only to find out that either "the Man is going to come and take my car away" OR "the Man ain't going to give me license plates for this thing!"

with all the comments and views that this thread has generated, i think i've at least gotten these issues out for folks to think about...