Slant 6 Turbo 68Dart Project

Well, the ARP's are not actually 220,000PSI as you said Bill. I don't doubt they'll still do their job though.

This morning I got my adapter and hacked manifold back. The original custom header design was scrapped due to time constraints and the person welding them was very hard to keep contact with. Oh well though, this was plan B, I call it the Surge Pipe, even though I've seen a few people make these. (It's like a part that skips the pishta pipe)

Anyway, I had the idea, and dropped it off to my favorite exhaust shop, and after three weeks he finally made the flange adapter to holes I drilled and tapped, and it will hang with a U bolt as well going through the intake holes that used to hang the exhaust manifold and the kickdown lever. It should be fairly sturdy. He also made a custom block off plate to get rid of the open choke pocket cover. I coated all three pieces with ceramic and ordered some exhaust gasket material, tomorrow I'll go to the hardware store and source some G8 bolts for all of it.

All in all - I'm very happy with how it turned out.

It also leaves room in the future to drop an external wastegate out of the pipe. It's very thick walled steel and he did an awesome job forming it, and naturally the welds are way better than I could hope to ever do.