Charging system and other wiring change help needed

I am dong the MAD update should be the wire that connects both sides of that circuit that was cut and spliced together eliminating the ammeter? What gauge should that be?
The MAD change shows the battery wire from the alt going to that relay stud but with the change i am making with the battery to trunk and master disconnect/solenoid in trunk I plan on that circuit going back to solenoid as I mentioned above.
Im looking forward to any comments or other suggestions.
Thanks in advance for your help. I hope to turn a switch and start this engine in the next 2 weeks so these issues need to be resolved.
Thanks Rod

Since you are making so many changes, I would not worry about the MAD thing at all. You are running the alternator somehow direct to the battery, that pretty much eliminates the bulkhead problem. You need a good "big" junction point to run the loads in the car, whatever they might be. The physical layout is hard to visualize without photos. On my own car, EG, I bought a marine "feed through" which goes through the firewall. The "main" battery comes from trunk, up the wiring trough, to the feedthrough, and through the firewall. Also connected to that feedthrough is the "takeoff" wire feeding the main fuse box. On the engine bay side, one wire then goes from the feedthrough to the starter