Ok I'm stumped. Rear end help please!

My tooth pattern definitely matches "backlash correct, change shim", and my backlash measurements have been spot on before I roll the gears every time. I guess I'll go on the assumption my go-by has been wrong and use the new one posted, which would indicate more shim is needed. Since I started at .030 shim, I'll try .045 next just to make sure it moves in the right direction, then back it off as needed.

In other words, I'm not having trouble reading the pattern, and I understand which side of the tooth is which...its more of a question of: If I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing, why isn't this working. and incorrect reference is a reasonable explanation, if that's what's happening

One thing that helps is marking compound...if you don't buy a ring and gear kit it's a ***** to find! Of course auto parts stores have no idea what it is, I had to dig until I found out prussian blue works, which is something the locals DO sell. It is helping more than the white lithium was.