Replacing my own windshield/rear glass 64 Val

Haven't done it, but seen on TV. Lay a carpet down, w/ a helper to help catch the glass. Sit inside the car and press it out of the gasket w/ both feet. New gaskets aren't cheap, so re-use yours if it isn't hard and cracked. Either way, remove the gasket and treat any rust underneath. Good chance to de-rust and paint under the rear package tray and dash. Also, if you plan to refurb the dash, do it now because you must remove the windshield to get at the screws.

New windshields are available for ~$170 and no shipping if you live in one of the special cities. Search for a post ~1 yr ago. If your new glass leaks, try "flowable silicone RTV" from auto stores. If the gasket is usable, but hard, I would run a bead of black butyl rubber (caulk cans) first. I think butyl is what is used on the newer "glue to surface" windshields.