2 step time !

Well I've been recently accused of starting too many threads and I won't mention any names (318willrun :) ), but how else am I to learn if I don't ask questions? At least I'm not "that guy" you know the kind of guy that never ever starts any threads yet comments on everybody else's with a bunch of highTechnology and never shows a picture of his own car. anyways so I've got two step up with a button on my steering wheel and of course I'm running a 4 speed. And never have got the line lock to work. I've returned it, I bled it, I cursed at it, and nothing seems to work. so I've just given up on it and in the burnout box I just have to break a little bit to keep it there for a few seconds as I'm not really interested in a big nasty Smokey burnout that wears out my tires and doesn't really get me anymore traction. So with that said I also don't want to put some button underneath my clutch pedal so I just put it up on my steering wheel. So the plan this race day is to set the two-step at 3500 RPMs and when both cars are completely staged pushing the button slam the gas pedal to the floorboard and on the last yellow light let go of the clutch and the button at the same time and hope for the reaction that I want ? Also as far as the line lock goes never had it roll out of the starting lights before.