2 step time !

I have seen it done with a very simple push button starter switch!!!!!

It need not be expensive or exotic. Just a momentary on switch.
I'm going to try this one time so as we stop making each other look like Jack Wheels.
Here goes I think you think too much of my car and what my purpose is and what I'm doing. The advice that you give to me a lot of times it's far too technical for me I don't know half the terms that you're talking about and certainly don't know any of the people or names that you drop. I don't have a clue what you're talking about a lot of times. This is just purely a hobby to have fun. I am not racing any kind of Championship. I'm not worried about anything except for coming home safely. I just plain go to have fun as a matter of fact to make this point hit home as I can, one of my friends said one of the other wives is bringing pulled pork sandwiches for us all and half my thoughts go to the racing and have my thoughts go to that yummy food. that's how dedicated I am to racing a track. I'm just there to have fun and race along with my buddies and help if I can.
If I went to the track and know absolutely everything about the car and absolutely everything how to drive it and how to set everything up I would probably lose interest very quickly and move on to another Hobby. As it is now I get to learn break things at times and hopefully try to make different adjustments. I appreciate the fact that you're trying to help. I really don't need to know your Bona fides or what your car looks like but if you come down to the track just come over and say hello and if you can be of some help I sure appreciate it. If you don't want to be of help that's fine too. I really don't know what else to say here I'm not out on this form to make enemies or piss people off I'm just here to have fun maybe share some of my experiences and maybe learn a thing or two. But not everything. Lots of times I like to learn things on my own it's part of the fun of doing it.