Services for Dee

Tom dont feel the need to match or better the donations. You do what you can and we all will do what we can.
To the lookey-loos on a few of the other related threads.....shake the moths outta your wallets(6000 views on auction). No offense to those that have helped.

Appreciate what you are saying Steve. All in all the folks on this board have given tell in some cases I know it hurts. And I also know some are in their own financial dire straits. Virginia and I are blessed. Not that we are wealthy by any means, but we have been past the hand to mouth phase for years now. When we first got married Virginia was 35K in debt. That was a challenge to say the least. Made her file bankrupt. Best decision I ever made. Now her credit rating is higher than mine, LOL.

Bottom line we do what we can. Even the bum on the street deserves respect and help. I always live my life with the thought in the back of my mind that, " There but for the Grace of GOD go I " It is a humbling thought and helps to make money more important as a tool as opposed to a possession.
