Small Block Oil Pick Up Tube Question

My original concern is that it seems pretty senseless to do all of the nice oiling mods presented by Guitar Jones which includes drilling the block to 1/2" passages and then only allowing less than 7/16" volume into the pickup end. Back in the 70s there was an engineer for Mopar performance who used a test engine with various pickup tubes and proved that even the stock pump with adequate pickup capacity would put out more oil than the high volume with the standard capacity pickup. Oil control throughout the entire system is very important. I am looking forward to the results of the Milodon Hemi tube fitting.

This is the truth. It has been published for decades and has been verified by other third party entities who thought it was bogus data, but it is true.

The gerotor pump also has output that is more like big gulps and not a smooth flow.

Again, anything you can do to increase area on the suction side of the pump is time and money well spent. Especially when the RPM's go up past 6000. This is true of almost any constant flow hydraulic system.

Most of what is done after the filter is gilding the lily.