The day has finally come!!

here in s w Missouri, huge broiler and turkey g rowers. the farmer puts up the bldg., furnishes labor, sawdust, ( NO bldg. ain't cheap!), the co. furnishes birds, feed,.....

I have a few hens for our own use, and sell a few to pay for feed. free range birds, locked in roost a t night. they molted, quilt laying last winter. I had to BUY eggs!!!!!!!! wow !!! the only ones I could eat were EG Best and another brand of expensive eggs!!!!!!! LOL BUT such a difference in taste!!!!!

non rural people also don't get the fact that farming and ranching is NOT just a way to make a living, it is a lifestyle, a way of life. not necessarily easy, not always profitable, BUT... God Bless the farmer!!

to wake up everyday and walk out the front door, and see green grass, livestock, fresh air.... NO people..... I can not put a price tag on it.....

We have the same deal set up, we furnish the facilities, utilizes and labor, the company owns the birds and furnishes the feed and pay us so much per dozen to produce their eggs for them.

As far as pay goes, let's just say my wife wouldn't have agreed to go into this if the pay wasn't good... After the payment comes out but before any other expenses come out we'll be making twice as much per year than we grossed the last 2 years combined