The day has finally come!!

no kidding
some of those farms are ridiculously big

ive been to one that had the battery style cages
each level was four cages high
and there were four levels

I cant for the life of me remember where this farm was, all I remember is that it was build on the border of two different states, and they used the cheaper electrical supply from the one state and drained their sewage in the other state, which had lower water rates

pretty impressive farm for sure

the warehouse you trucked from (here in Holland MI) supplies all of the Americas, all the way out to Egypt

what really cracks me up is how far we have let this "free range chicken" nonsense go

did you know Big Dutchman has a "free range" cage with a scratch pad in it?
this cage has a main feedline running down the side of it where the chicken can eat
but it also has a 2 inch pipe running thought the center of it
the pipe has tiny holes drilled into it and small amounts of feed fall out of it onto a pad of artificial grass where the chicken can then scratch for it, like they would on the back 40 of a farm yard, like they did in the 1800s

great idea, but a little too far if you ask me