Stop in for a cup of coffee

As long as we fix it while its up! :D

What length anchors did you get? I have two 3/4 drills. 8" and 24" length. Unless there is a reason not to, I usually go all the way through the slab. That way if I ever need to change an anchor I drive it through cause they dont like to pull back out. Not sure if that would allow the epoxy to drain away, may need a bottom in the hole to keep the epoxy in., but the anchor will pull back up slightly when you tighten it as the wedge sets. We should be able to set the lift in place and drill right through the frame holes. That way you know you got it right. And, you dont hit the threads trying to set it on them drop or push the anchor too deep in the hole. Those anchors are designed to be used that way.

I think I got 5 1/2 figure 4 in then epoxy. The bottom is course stone they laid first I was still here when they did that. See the slab?