Another Mopar Off My Bucket List - Barracuda Fastback

Hey John, thanks for all the energy you're putting into this. It really isn't necessary. I just threw it out there when I read you were going to a swap meet.

In fact, I just got an idea. I think I'll get one of my friends who has a 3D printer to have a go at printing one out. If they hold together maybe I'll have some domed stickers made.

Who knows, maybe I can make a living selling these. I'm sure Shelby Corp. won't mind ...

Anders, it's really no problem doing a few quick searches. I'm always going back & forth to the internet to research a bunch of other stuff anyway.

I've been fascinated by the idea of using a 3D printer for making parts. I have no idea how difficult they would be to program. I assume it involves inputting vectors or coordinates but maybe they're simpler than I imagine. It would be ideal if you could have a 3D scanner that would simply allow you to save and copy. I've also wondered how well the plastics stand up over time.

If you ever do get your buddy to make you some parts try to post as much as you can about it.

I never worry about copying someone else's designs provided it's for my personal use.