Th mopar guy

nm9stheham I bought a 73 340 Dart Sport because it was exactly like my first new car, way back when I was young. The VIN and fender tag are 340, but the engine is a 318. the seller is making it good so I'm looking for a 340 or 360 to put in it. I know the 360 would be better money wise and for street performance, but I'm also looking at a 340 for sentimental reasons. As for looking in Kansas when I'm in VA, I'm just starting on this journey and am considering all options. I've always been a Ford guy so I'm learning now. My crew chief and I will build the engine. We're looking at a 340 or 360, maybe a 408, with forged crank, forged rods with floating pins, forged pistons, and enough compression so it will run on premium gas. The cam will be a high lift/small duration so I can run it with an auto, probably a 2004R. I'm planning on about a 3.91 or thereabouts gear. Head work will depend on the final cam specs. Right now we're leaning toward iron heads but aluminum is a possibilty
67Dart273 - thanks for the heads up for a local contact