Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good morning, Mike, Keith, Pete, Ben, and whomever I left out. I woke up early (for me.) I have this thing where songs play in my head to the point where it gets bothersome. This morning it was "Catch The Wind" an old Donovan song. So I just got up. Which is fine because I'm making a big banana pudding to take to work today and I need to get going on it so it will be set up in time. One of my favorite coworkers (friend) is leaving.

You guys have some fun activities planned. Me, I can't wait till tomorrow when I'm off to do those things. By the way, I noticed the temps in MN and SC are about the same.

Good morning David :coffee2: banana pudding !! YUMMMMMMmmmmmm :D
I think it is better after it sets for 10 hour :color:
62 degrees here right now and will be 71 by 2pm here on the hill :cheers: