Another Mopar Off My Bucket List - Barracuda Fastback

I would get my car out of there right now. A moron knows that the injectors will not operate way below FP needed. They are blowing smoke up your ***, John!!! The guy thinks your a dumbass.

Sorry, typical bleed the customer dry routine..................... :protest::protest::protest:

The fuel pressure was the thing that really made me think something was fishy. I could have accepted the notion that we had other things set wrong even though I didn't think so. I wish now that I had marked the base of the distributor and the rotor so I could tell if they've been changed. All I'll have is his word on what he had to do to the car.

Part of me senses you're right about us getting played but I'm hoping we'll still get the car back finished without a ridiculous bill. Maybe the guy's legit and someone else at that shop had screwed with stuff before he got to it. Either way, it'll be Monday before I can do anything about it.