Damsel in distress

Clank noise? That ain't good.

If you don't receive a Miracle and it start with the battery charged, then you'll have to have help. The VW forum has a list of members all across the country who go out of their way to help each other with a breakdown and all we can do so far is sit and crack jokes.

If it doesn't turn over with a charged battery, then your next step before anything else is to get someone, whomever that may be, that is strong enough to grab the fan belt and turn the engine one way or the other and see if it is physically capable of rotating. That's the bottom line.

The flow chart goes something like this:

Engine turns by hand- check battery cables, check starter relay, check starter motor for damage or stuck bendix.

Engine doesn't turn by hand- Open purse, withdraw money, apply to problem until it goes away.

My feeling over the internet is that it scattered, but hopefully not.