Some 5.9 roller cam help from y'all please

my life is great and I am not complaining at all, I deal with my limitations better than most. I dont answer requests after business hours although sometimes I do answer threads at night...just not last night. Not sure I get not calling with questions but no big deal, I dont make dick selling parts here so I am not too concerned....just may not dedicate time to help if people use my info and buy from my competition.

I am here to provide the correct parts and info to my fellow mopar lovers but I am not on welfare so I have to either make money here or move on. If my knowledge is not worth anything then I will keep it to myself. It appears to me that most of the info you got from other sources was dead wrong, something you might want to remember. I spent about an hour trying to source heads for you on your super limited budget a few weeks ago then you bought a used head form Jegs and another new elsewhere, rather than from me so sorry for not taking you more seriously but time is money and I cant spend my days quoting prices just to get blown off over $100 difference on a pair of heads when I already beat Jegs(except for their used parts). Dont know what more you would want other than an apology for not answering your requests after 7 pm. Sorry.

My guess is you would have probably used my cam #'s to get Oregon Cams to grind you one for $20 less than my $150 price, but I may be wrong.:D

It seems now days people get info from small guys like us or IMM then go to the big guys to save $ you remember speed shops? there is a reason they are extinct now. Food for thought...

Good luck on your car adventures my mopar friend :D