Some 5.9 roller cam help from y'all please
my life is great and I am not complaining at all, I deal with my limitations better than most. I dont answer requests after business hours although sometimes I do answer threads at night...just not last night. Not sure I get not calling with questions but no big deal, I dont make dick selling parts here so I am not too concerned....just may not dedicate time to help if people use my info and buy from my competition.
I am here to provide the correct parts and info to my fellow mopar lovers but I am not on welfare so I have to either make money here or move on. If my knowledge is not worth anything then I will keep it to myself. It appears to me that most of the info you got from other sources was dead wrong, something you might want to remember. I spent about an hour trying to source heads for you on your super limited budget a few weeks ago then you bought a used head form Jegs and another new elsewhere, rather than from me so sorry for not taking you more seriously but time is money and I cant spend my days quoting prices just to get blown off over $100 difference on a pair of heads when I already beat Jegs(except for their used parts). Dont know what more you would want other than an apology for not answering your requests after 7 pm. Sorry.
My guess is you would have probably used my cam #'s to get Oregon Cams to grind you one for $20 less than my $150 price, but I may be wrong.:D
It seems now days people get info from small guys like us or IMM then go to the big guys to save $ you remember speed shops? there is a reason they are extinct now. Food for thought...
Good luck on your car adventures my mopar friend :D
I get that you couldn't do anything about it last night but it wasn't just last night and wasn't all you either (for days remember) and I do remember talking to you at some point but I talked to so many people and did so much reading and searching on it that it was all running together, so I apologize for that. (and only that)
Where I get my parts doesn't/shouldn't make any difference to you and how you approach it.
Either you have a possible customer and make sure they end up one or you don't and that is up to you as the person doing the business.
Yes I did learn a lot, and a lot of wrong things, you are correct about that for sure, but I finally got it right and now retain everything I learned along the way. (good and bad)
What I learned was there is a ton of misinformation out there and very few people actually have correct verifiable information, so I check, cross check and ask questions.
You had the chance and didn't make yourself stand out even though I wanted to go with someone from here. (not my problem or fault)
When we talked you mentioned how competitive the business is and multiple times about how you make squat for selling parts, and people want all kinds of information for free... (part of the deal man) and if it cost you that much and you are not willing to spend the time it takes to gain possible new customers it's none of my business.
A shame for your if you want it, but if it isn't worth it to you then don't do it.
Make yourself stand out to you customer or don't mon, but the customer doesn't want to hear the reasons you can't or wont.
I suggest we end this before any local grocery stores see it come try to put us down for the groceries we didn't by last time we were there. :D
I didn't buy because you didn't sell me on anything, simple as that.