Stop in for a cup of coffee

g'moring you all - didn't sleep for chit.. don't ya hate KNOWING it's going to be a long day before the day even starts!? LOL I see Ben is ready to rock-n-roll.. what is it, 4am there?

Good morning Mike :glasses7:, same here, as soon as I woke up at 3:30 am I could not go back to sleep ether :banghead: so here I am getting my coffee fix :coffee2: then get showered and shaved to hit the road with a tall to do list .........:glasses7:

Good morning, me either! This Full Moon has some strange vibes. Boss went on his most delusional tirade yet. I figured out he expects us to idolize him...that's just not going to happen and it drives him crazy!

This dang cold, I don't feel too bad but when I try to talk it's super raspy, like when Satan possessed the girl in The Exorcist. Probably have to take the day off.

Lift weekend is going to be epic. Really happy for you guys.