Trying to ID these torsion bar adjusters 3879240

I've got more of them than you do. lol
A box full of them.
Been selling LCA, and UCA control arms, and parts for years on this site.
Been rebuilding them for decades, for resale.
I probably am the control arm king of the world in doing this.
Have taken hundreds of arms out of cars, literally, in my old age.
Like to see someone else that has done something like that.

Now who really cares what number is on the plastic baggie, as long as you know what car(s) they are used on.
You car can't read.

Who cares if Ma Mopar superceeded it to a modern number, other what shows up in the parts book?

Just my two cents on the subject.
Thought i was helping you out.
I realize you don't know me from Adam, but there are some people on the internet that do know what they're talking about.
Would like to think of myself as a suspension guru out there at the other end of the keyboard, in the Mopar world.
Jim V.