FiTech EFI system

Can you get the female style cap? I'd be interested, but don't want to add the cost of a whole new wire set when I just got new wires.

I have JUST confirmed the MSD phasable rotor IS a 100% go. on the PACE/TSP Pro Series- Pro billet distributor.

anyone can however, also go with ANY of the others and operate in fuel only..or with a 400 or 800.

And just to be 100% clear...the phasable, lockable SB distributors are these two...

And you need the MSD rotor for phasing.

ANY of the other distributors found HERE!
Can only be used with a 400, 800, or when running a 600 or 1200 in fuel only.

the cheaper pro-billet, that is not the "PRO series" does NOT accept the msd phasable rotor!