Stupid looking POS

I do kinda go along with him a little when it comes to his cars.

I can update you guys on it a little but I'm not going to sneak and post pictures.

Since he brought the car home 3 of the four stupid looking tires have exploded while he was driving it, so now he has 8 inch wide rims with 4 inch wide whitewalls on chrome spokes (like 160 spokes per wheel I think he said) and I can tolerate looking at that every day right across the street from my front door.

Who drives a car on the tire sidewalls on purpose and thinks it's so cool that the safety hazard of it is worth it, is what I like to know.
I think people that do things like that should have their car impounded and kept until the person shows up, pays the fine and brings legal and safe wheels and tires and puts them on the car before they can take it.

The key/ignition got stuck a couple of block away at a store, so he got a set of channel lock pliers out of the trunk and completely destroyed the ignition lock and all the parts all the way down to the switch on the column.
Pot metal chunks were falling out of the column for two days, and the rod that moves the switch on the column was bent all to hell. (It was just the tumbler fell apart in the lock and stopped the key from turning before he took the channel lock to it)

The other day he told me he turns 40 next month, so I told him in case he didn't know it when people turn 40 they have to give up the stupid looking gangster wheels and put the safety of their children ahead of the gangster wheels.
He got a little offended, turned a little red and said no way I'm giving up the wheels
He's had two of those come off on his last car while he was going down the road and that time totally destroyed the right rear brake drum from it sliding from 60 to a stop.

That car (the 66 Impala) had a single reservoir master cylinder and 4 wheel drums and I tried and tried to tell him how dangerous a single res master that was so old it had rust crusted 1/4 thick on it was, but noooo 1,200 worth of stupid looking chrome spokes was WAY more important, and he never did do anything with the brakes at all (Ever)
He put a new amp and 2 12's in it though.

This guy hauls his kids around in these POS cars.

New this was a chevy guy all along. didn`t say u posted pics! just don`t want to see them! lol trail beast: my dad always said to use my head for something other than a hat rack. to bad I never did. beendrinkin: as usuall you crack me up !