Factory fuel pump

That little black plastic gizmo is a jet pump used to keep the canister full of fuel so the pump's real inlet does not become uncovered. A small amount of fuel is diverted from the pump and shot through an orifice which create a small vacuum to SUCK fuel from the tank, through the Orange check valve and into the canister.

Many OEM pump canister's use a jet pump in some form or another to keep the canister full of fuel. LX cars use one to move fuel from one side of the tank to the other.

So if your little black Jet pump isnt being held TIGHT to the bottom of the cannister so that a decent "seal" exists over the Orange check valve, there's no vacuum to pull in fuel,,,and your canister will run DRY

Also if the Walbro 255 you put in does not a provision for the Jet pump to install,,your canister will run dry