Another Mopar Off My Bucket List - Barracuda Fastback

Great score on the slicks!

Trouble shooting is trouble shooting. There are methods to isolate the fault. Depending on your experience and knowledge of the system at hand, you will be able to isolate the fault in greater detail. It's electrical -> it's not the ignition -> it's the fuel mix -> it's the pre-heat -> it's the relay.

The slicks I just bought are 1/2" shorter than the ones that were on the car already. I'm not planning on doing any serious competition with it when I get it done. I'll probably see if I can get it consistent enough for bracket racing and slow enough to meet regulations. That might be tricky with the low weight and a blown Hemi.

I don't expect a lot of progress on it this year but with any luck I'll have enough time to get the body & chassis finished. It won't be long and I'll have to start devoting my time to the house project again.

There are definitely some things I have to rely on others to troubleshoot. The efi system on the Roadrunner was one of them. I get panicky when an ECU is involved in controlling stuff like air/fuel mixtures or ignition timing. I'm not familiar enough with the tables to know if the computer is insane or if I am.

Before we took the car to Star Lite Motorsports we did try our hand at tuning. It struck us that whatever adjustments we tried to make, - the ECU seemed to be fighting us. - Almost as if it was doing the opposite of what we were telling it to do. After the 'experts' at the shop took it for a test drive after making some adjustments, - they said the exact same thing. That's when they started to suspect a faulty input or a bad ECU. As discouraged as I'd been trying to troubleshoot it myself, - it was a relief to hear that their interpretation wasn't much different than my own.