Again, I understand having limits. I've been on other boards where users had signature pics that had to be more than 1280x1024, and yeah, that gets old. Or when an avatar picture is obviously a full size photo and it takes the board 30 seconds to reformat it before it loads every time you scroll past that users comments. Also ridiculous. And yes, I was an "offender" on the old board. But after there were complaints fielded about my signature at one point I worked with the mods to trim it down, and left it that way for years. And it's not like I shrunk it down by 50%, we're talking a few dozen pixels.
I just think it's kind of silly. If someone puts up a picture that's less than 800x600 to show a problem, no one can see what's in the picture because it's too small. But to identify ourselves we get a 9.8 kb avatar icon (9.8 kb!!!) and a signature that's less than 326x100. I'm just saying maybe one of those could be made a little larger. Again, not looking for 1280x1024, but another 100 pixels would make a big deal.