site change

I am not speaking for this site's owner, but as the owner of another large automotive forum which is running the same software FABO was on.

The old software was top notch - 5 years ago. Since then the Internet has changed dramatically from a desktop/laptop based experience to a tablet/smart phone experience. On my site I am now at 50/50 with mobile increasing each month. Windows used to be the #1 OS for accesing my forums, now it's Android, then Windows.

The version of the software which the forum was on hasn't been supported for several years. Worst of all, the "upgrades" from the company which created the old software was terrible, and nothing like the version you were used to.

I waited as long as I could before deciding on the same software which is now running on this site. I will be going live with the new software within the next couple months.

This new software was written by some of the folks who wrote the old version. They went on to form a new company, and their product is very solid.

Dig around and check out the features.

hi ab7fh...

thanks for your comment. i can fully appreciate what you are saying. i am typing this comment on a HP "home computer" which is over 5 years old and is running on microsoft "vista" software - which i have been informed will no longer be supported by microsoft so i will need to download/buy "windows 10" or maybe even a new computer. i also use a 5 year old "flip phone" and do not text, tweet, or any of the other "advanced" phone "apps." i suspect that there will be a collision on "old car" sites between the "senior citizen" members who like these sites and all the advanced electronic stuff that is happening on the internet supporting these sites.