Stop in for a cup of coffee

Back in the '80's a Costa Rican kid was a busboy where I worked, he was constantly telling me all about his homeland. I determined one day I would see for myself. In '96 my sister and I went just when tourism was gearing up, it changed my life, I went there 21 more times until 2009. The small hotel where I stayed was like a second home and I was really close with the staff. The handwriting was on the wall however and it turned into condos. When I think back to the feeling I had there, I get an ache in my heart.

To any single guy, if you have money and/or if you have a strong spirit of adventure.....GO find a Costa Rican lady to marry, because then by law you will be Costa Rican. The women there are beautiful and sweet, they cook and sew and keep a clean house, and they are a lot of fun. The geography is so diverse and everything is so abundant, produce. You feel so free, there aren't cops and cameras everywhere.

I asked Treva if she would give me a divorce and let me go have my first child hood and see how long I would last there David :D . It sounds like a perfect place to me