Stop in for a cup of coffee

Back in the '80's a Costa Rican kid was a busboy where I worked, he was constantly telling me all about his homeland. I determined one day I would see for myself. In '96 my sister and I went just when tourism was gearing up, it changed my life, I went there 21 more times until 2009. The small hotel where I stayed was like a second home and I was really close with the staff. The handwriting was on the wall however and it turned into condos. When I think back to the feeling I had there, I get an ache in my heart.

To any single guy, if you have money and/or if you have a strong spirit of adventure.....GO find a Costa Rican lady to marry, because then by law you will be Costa Rican. The women there are beautiful and sweet, they cook and sew and keep a clean house, and they are a lot of fun. The geography is so diverse and everything is so abundant, produce. You feel so free, there aren't cops and cameras everywhere.

I totally know what you mean. We visited there while on a cruise with my new wife for our honeymoon. I was cuckoo for the tour guide. Very pretty woman about my age!!! LOL That country is just amazing and the guide did such a good job telling us the history and culture, etc... that Im hooked on going back many more times. We only got to see some of the Gulf side, and the rain forest.

After being told that people from all over the world go there for there University, because they dont believe in expensive education. Its also one of the top Universities to become a doctor. Im going to be trying to talk my daughter into going there for college, instead of here in the states. Plus it would give me a reason to go there and visit for an extended period of time.