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Some of them don't, some of them do. Just depends on what the member did to create their avatar. In this thread alone you can see diymairage's avatar is pretty fuzzy, and cropped strangely to make it square, which the software is doing. His isn't the worst for sure. Mine, I spent the time to find a picture, crop it down to square, reduce the resolution of the image, and then reduce the size. That way the board software doesn't do anything to it to make it fit. And it looks better that way, but I spent more time than I would have liked to doing it. The difference in resolution between a 10k and a 15 or 20k avatar is pretty significant for the small amount of data used.

And I know because of all the different functions built into the software why it needs a generic avatar, the way they show up on the forum pages and "recent posts" page etc. But it's extra space if no one is uploading an avatar. I used to just run my signature and not an avatar, because the avatar had to be so small. But the gray question mark bugs me, so now I have both. A lot of members that had avatars don't anymore, and I can only assume that's because the new software isn't uploading them for one reason or another. Or maybe people just haven't got around to uploading them again, I didn't have one before so I don't know how the software is handling the profiles.

It's really a small issue. Actually, it's not an "issue" even, just my opinion. And we all know what those are like. I'm a visual person, and I'm fortunate enough to have a giant computer screen, an iPhone 6 and high speed internet. I know not everyone does, and I'm sure larger avatars and signatures would bug somebody else as much as the small ones bug me.